Saturday, May 20, 2006

Kanakuk here I come!!!

Well, its saturday night and tomorrow bright and early I head out for Kamp!!! This is just staff training, so I will be back within two weeks. I am so excited the Lord has placed this opportunity in my life. I have NO clue what He is going to do within these next few weeks, but I know I am excited to see what He has in store.
I ask, that you would be praying a few things:
1. Safety as we drive early tomorrow morning and coming back on June 1. Traveling mercies on the car, and safety as we go!
2. Safety while we are there!
3. God to move and work in my life, like I have never seen before.
4. That I would walk worthy of Jesus Christ these next few weeks!

Thank you! I GREATLY appreciate your prayers!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

finding Him...

in my life be lifted high,
in our world be lifted high,
in our love be lifted high
As i'm sitting in a coffee shop today listening to hillsons united these lyrics struck loud and clear to me. I usually sit with music playing and don't pay attention to whats being played. these lyrics stuck out for some odd reason. as the Spirit placed a stiring in my heart to examine and to see if He is really being lifted high in my life, in our world and in our love. personally for me in my life and in my love. i find that i haven't sat down and been still in a while. sitting at the foot of the cross and laying my life down again, my desires, and my wills. the things in life that i desire more than anything else....shouldn't it be the Lord? how many times i find that apart from this worldliness and ungodliness that i get caught up in apart from all of this is the fountain of Living Water that NEVER runs dry. Thank you Lord for reminding me.

another question i am faced with is how many times do I miss the Lord? because i get caught up in things of this world, that don't matter. what have i missed Him in? how much am i unaware? how much do i go thru the day being disappointed time and time again in things of this world? when the Lord's right with me, never failing, never-leaving, all-loving, all-powerful, all-knowing (which is humbling in its self), gracious, kind, patient, just, forgiving, strong, mighty, jus to name a few....

why do i find myself searching for things of this world, and in that being disappointed when something fails or something goes wrong???? so to this, i say....thank you Lord for never failing me, for never leaving for forsaking me. may i not be found seeking after things of this world, but with my whole heart seeking and running after you.
"not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Phil. 3:12-14

May I hear Him when thing's are loud,
May I see Him when my vision is blurred,
May I find Him when i'm lost,
May I run to Him when i'm scared,
May I be found in Christ's likeness everyday of my life...

Thursday, May 11, 2006

top ten:
1. my family is precious
1. i spent time with mom.
3. shorty comes home tomorrow!
4. i'm about to go to wal-mart and ride in an electric cart...haha
5. Jesus Loves Me.
6. i'm watching jacob and abigail who are like my little siblings. they are 6 and 8.
7. it was a BEAUTIFUL day.
8. its thursday.
9. kate always knows how to make me smile!
10. nothing special has happened today, but it's been a great day!

bottom five:
1. i woke up to my dad cutting grass at 7:30....wonderful!
2. i catered for my mom, only supposed to be for a hour five hours later...i was still going strong.
3. i sprained my ankle playing trampoline basketball.
4. i'm sitting with my ankle in ice...
5. i got four MORE shots today!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

No Confidence in the flesh

Okay, so over the past fewweeks I have been lacking confidence. You name it and i'm insecure about SO many different things. As I was questioning why I was lacking confidence in myself. The Spirit prompted me to the Word of God which is living and active and sharper than any double edged sword. Trying to come back to the place that I know I can be myself and be volurnable. As a piece of paper fell out of my bible that we went over and talked about during Community Groups this semester. I began to look at it and the Lord has restored my confidence. It's only placed in Him. I boast about nothing except the Cross of Christ, because He's ALL i've got anyway!!
Here are a few things that as a child of God the Creator of the universe that I know I can rest in and find Confidence in:

In Christ::

Purpose: to glorify God by allowing Jesus Christ to express his life in and through mine.
John 15, Galatians 2, Philippians 2, Romans 5-8, Isaiah 43:7

Saint- Ephesians 1:1
Slave to Righteousness- Romans 6:18
Child of God-John 1:12, Romans 8:16
Chosen, Holy, and Blameless-Ephesians 1:4-10

Spiritual Sphere:
Kingdom of God-Colossians 1:13-14
Citizen of Heaven-Philippians 3:20

How I Operate:
Walk according to the Spirit-Galatians 5:16
Look to God to meet my needs-Philippians 4:19

My Future:
life, victory in life, eternity with God in Heaven-John 5:24

In Relation to God:
One with Him-1 Corinthians 6:17
Friend with God John 15:15
Reconciled-Romans 5:19, 2Corinthians 5:18-19
Expression of Christ's life-Colossians 3:4
Enjoy fellowship with Him-1 John 1:3
Brought near to God-Ephesians 2:13
My Life is hidden with Christ-Colossians 3:3
Bold and Confident Access-Hebrews 10:19

Reality of my state:
Justified and Redeemed-Ephesians 1:7
No longer subject to condemnation-Romans 8:1
Free from law of sin and death-Romans 8:2
Always led in triumph-2 Corinthians 5:21
Liberated-Galatians 2:4
Righteousness of God-2 Corinthians 5:21
Blessed with every spiritual blessing- Ephesians 1:3
Obtained an inheritance-Hebrews 9:15
Sealed with the Spirit-Ephesians 1:13
Prepared to do good works-Ephesians 2:10
Working out salvations with God's power to will and do-Philippians 2:12-13

"The Temple I am going to build will be great, because our God is greater than all other gods. But who is able to build a temple for him, since the heavens, even the highest heavens, cannot contain him? Who then am I to build a temple for him, except as place to burn sacrifices before him?" 2 Chronicles 2:5-6

Read this and was at a loss for words. Because in fact that my God is so much greater than all other gods.

He Alone is Worthy! He Alone is Worthy! He Alone is Worhty!