Wednesday, August 23, 2006

why my life is so good

Honestly, life is hard. That's pretty much it. Life is hard, but God is good! Here are a few reason's why my life continues to be so good even if things get rough.

1. My joy is not found in things of this world and this world cannot take it away! I am not seeking approval of men. Therefore, i can act crazy/stupid without caring who see's or cares...

2. I live in a universe created by an infinate-personal God who delights in our communion with Him.

3. LeCrae's new CD came out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. My little brother makes me laugh so hard EVERYDAY!

5. Auburn Football starts in nine days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6. BBQ house breakfast
7. My friends. Amazing.
8. I've developed a new love for wearing my hat sideways...

9. The enemy has BEEN defeated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10. my knee is improving everyday!!!! praise Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 10, 2006


"Your hand of freedom reached into my situation,
breaking my binding chains and granting me liberation,
I once was bound to myself, the worst of penalties,
Couldn't escape from my sin, until You rescued me.

But now You are my liberator, Your love set me free,
You are my emancipator, With Your blood you bore me,
Now I am free

Not going back to that place again,
When my mind and my body are in slave to sin,
Through your life and your death, Your life again,
Taking this dead man, You made breathe again!" -Jason Eskridge

Two words in this song stick out to me
Liberator- To set free, as from oppression
Emancipator- To free from bondage, oppression

Here's two words that I have actually come to grasp over the summer. The first time I heard this song at KAA this summer. I was left speechless sitting at the CrossTalk arena on a bench. With a kamper and another kounselor on the other side. I began to weep, at the fact that Jesus Christ is my Liberator and my Emancipator. Jesus set me free from oppression (Sin, Hell, and Death) and He is my Emancipator. "because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death." Romans 8:2

I have always known this, but came to grips with it this summer. The Lord captivated (To attract and hold by charm, beauty, or excellence.) my heart with Him this summer. He attracted me to Him for simply who He is, Holding me by His charm and beauty and excellence. Which are only a few things that describe my Jesus.

So where do I start? I can honestly say that I have just had the hardest and the best two months of my life! So I praise the Lord for waking me up so early in the morning to spend precious time with Him, which I can honestly say is SO much better than anything else on this earth.

The theme of our summer at Kids Across America is "Off da Hook"

"For God made him who knew no sin, to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God" 2 Corinthians 5:21

Therefore we are now "off da hook". Which can relate to why i've been so focused on Christ being my liberator and emancipator.

Humbled by the fact that Jesus Christ God's one and only son (Jn. 3:16) is in fact my liberator and my emancipator. He's much more than that, but i've come to grips with these two meanings.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Can I get a KAA!?!?!

Well, this post is LONG over due. I am home from Kids AcrossAmerica 2-the Duece! Words cannot begin to express how much I have grown to love Kids Across America but more than that the precious children I came in contact with as well as the most amazing people i've ever met in my entire life! I mean, I can try and give you a tiny tiny birds eye view of Kids Across America, but it just won't do it justice.

I started out the summer thinking "Lord why did you choose me to come to Golden, Missouri to work with Urban Youth?" I am so greatful that He did give me the oppertunity to go. I can honestly say that I am not the same person I was before I went to KAA.

I can tell you the funniest stories of my life and make you cry laughing and I can tell you the saddest stories you've ever heard which will also make you cry. I found myself at a loss for words on more than one occasion. Heart broken at what some of my kampers have been through or what they will go through. Seeing fear rise in some of their eyes because of situations back home. Having kids love you no matter what. I can remember times when I would run with kampers and they would be mad at the time but the next minute they were back to loving me. It left me speechless, these precious children are an incredible example of unconditional love.
Don't worry, if I could have brought everyone home with me....I would, in a heart beat!!

I mean, i'm not going to was HARD...probably one of the hardest things i've ever experienced. But it was worth every minute, every tear, every smile, every drop of sweat. And I can say this, i'd do it all over a heart beat!

Pretty much, if you want to hear me because a blog does NOT do this kamp justice. Not even will my stories or anything I can really should experience it for yourself...I promise you won't regret it!

So alive with the presence of God that we ( I ) would be foolish to neglect such a gracious invitation to experience the depths of Jesus Christ.

My summer summed up in one statement: Its not about me, its bigger, its about God!

For the Kingdom and for the Kids,