Friday, August 10, 2007

Excellence is our Standard!

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." Psalm 19:1

Yes, another amazing summer at Kids Across America II tha Duece! So, where do I begin? How do I begin to put into words all the the Lord Jesus Christ did in my life this summer at KAA-U-KNOW!

I left home mid May excited about what the summer held for me. Little did I know that God was going to completely break my heart and mold it more into who He has for me to be and test me in ways i've NEVER been tested before. So clinics start and I begin to think "Man, I've got two more months of this, I'm not gonna make it" I mean, why would somone choose to go to the middle of no where in Missouri to live for the summer without Air Conditioning, without tv, facebook, internet, cellphones, carpet, chairs with backs...why? Well, I'm going to tell you. Because the Gospel of Jesus Christ that we carry is worth it. To share the love of Christ with Urban teenagers who have it much harder than I do. As Staff Training week went on the Lord began to work...and I knew it was going to be an amazing summer. I remeber listening to Rita Springers song "Worth It All" A part of that song says "Though I don't understand your ways. But I'm gonna give Him all my praise...Around every corner and up every mountain I will say it's gonna be worth it, It's gonna be worth it ALL. Our Director gave us the vision for the summer was- Excellence...Excellence is our Standard. And talked about how "Teamwork makes the Dream Work" Both statements so true, and I realize it now. We raked leaves, cleaned, sat in meetings, raked some more, study the Word, and raked some more. Well, thats work week. The kids are coming. We spent two weeks preparing for the Kids to come. Asking the Lord to prepare our hearts for what He was going to do.


June 1st- The first set of Kampers at KAA2 arrive. And I am stoked. Ready to get started with what the Lord has for me and my Co Rachael. I'll say this...first session of kids was an adventure. I mean, they gave me the name Abigail...which stuck and every kamper knew me as Abigail...But all I can say is, they were a great group to have our first session of kids. Well, they left and then the next group comes in...from tree tops, to challenge course, pool, archery, tubing, canoes, paddle boats, you name it...we did it. I hate it but I missed alot of their morning activities due to being a boat driver. WHICH I LOVED! Second session of kampers of the hardest weeks I had all summer. Playing basketball one day during Competition I got pushed from the back and fell and BROKE my elbow...actually my Radial Head. So I got put in a wonderful cast for four weeks, but I didn't wear all that much. IT WAS HOT! Thanks to these girls they didn't make pictures seem too awkard on 2-4's! So, at this point of the summer I began to get frustrated and my spirits began to go down. I was frustrated at the Lord. Wondering why He would let me get injured to where I couldn't use my right arm for ANYTHING. Meaning, I had to ask for help with pulling my hair up, getting food, cleaning, making my bed etc...But He taught my alot thru it, that TEAMWORK DOES MAKE THE DREAM WORK. Without the faithful family of KAA2 I would not have made it. Praise the Lord He gave me a family that is willing to sacrifice and help me. Truly saw what it means when I was weak He was strong. He used the precious around me to encourge and build me up. Third sessions of Kampers come, and what a week. We had to deal a lot with cliques and how our words tear down the body of Christ. With a fight breaking out in our cabin that week one night. The Lord used My Co's strengths and mine to stop the fight and to speak truth into these girls lives. Who didn't care about anything really. All they cared about was boys, boys, and did I mention boys? After after running that night until they were exhausted, one girl wouldn't we missed two meals the next day. But the Lord is faithful and He began to show her how she was acting was wrong and not pleasing to God. He drew her unto Himself. Nothing that we did, only God. She got saved that week at Crosstalk. As well as many others in our locker. The rest of the week was great. Thats what the Lord does, He takes us as wretched as we are and changes us. We got to see Him do that! So, first term was over. The Lord taught me about working with someone despite our differences, because we both had hearts for the kampers and the Lord. He used my weaknesses and my Co's strengths. I love my Co from first term for her patience and unconditional love for me, when I was at my worst!

Second term comes around...that means new Co's and new staff some of my favorites left, I was ready to leave too...But I am so glad that the Lord knows what He is doing. He put me with two of my closest friends at kamp this summer as my Co's. Yes, Chantelle and Heidi (Strong Tower)!!! As excited as we could be about the term, we had no idea what was coming for our first group of kampers for second term...actually our fourth group of the summer. By far the hardest group of kids we had all summer. The first night you guess it...a fight broke out. And ended up taking two girls outside to try and settle this arguement. Well, two hours later it was over. Speaking the truth in love to these kids using the scripture, John 15:12-" I have commanded you to love each other in the same way that I love you." One girl prayed "Lord, I pray you help me love in the same way that you love me." They went back inside and I was at a loss for words. That a fourteen year old girl listened to what the Lord was saying thru me and Chantelle. The rest of the week was hard, and satan was attacking. I was at the end of my ropes. But the Lord knows what He's doing. When I was tired and didn't think I could go anymore, Heidi could (Strong Tower is like the energizer bunny!) and He used the three of us to work for His glory in the best way we knew how. I truly feel He was glorified and exalted in our Cabin each week of Second Term. Hard times, Easy Times, Good times, Bad times our prayer is that He was exalted. One day the Lord led me to this scripture. Job 38:35 "Can you send out the Lightning bolts and they report back "here I am". Thats a glimpse of the Power of God that I asked Him to show me. And each week He did. His power was shown in so many ways, and I would begin to tell you but as this blog is really long already, I'm going to hold back.

Anyway, the Lord broke my heart and changed my heart. I have a LOVE for urban youth. Praise the Lord for Kids Across America. For what He does there. He works, breaks down barriers, saves, calls, equippes, builds, I could go on and on. But I can stop and say the I have never seen the Lord work in ways like He does at Kids Across America. We use sports to present the gospel to kids. I'm sitting writing this with tears running down my face thinking all that the Lord did. He broke my heart for the lost in ways I didn't think it could. My heart is forever changed and forever grateful at what the Lord did this summer. I can truly look back and say that my summer in 2007 at KAA2 was a milestone in my walk with Christ.

To Him who is worthy to receive all the Glory, Honor, and Praise. May He be exalted in my life, actions. Wether by death or life may He be glorified. I am broken.

broken before the Lord.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

He Rises...

Isaiah 6:1- In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple.

Psalm 47:8-God reigns over the nations; God is seated on his holy throne.

Revelation 19:4-living creatures fell down and worshiped God, who was seated on the throne.

In these three verse's we see that God is seated on the throne, governing the world. While He's seated people are worshiping Him, exalting Him as He reigns over the Nations.

So here's my point in this. We see evidence in the Word of God, which is living and active and sharper than any double edged sword. As a child of God this blows my mind and it what my heart has been thinking a lot about lately.

Isaiah 38:18-Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion.
For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!

Key words are-HE RISES. The Lord gets up off His throne to show compassion to His children. He's not sitting there when we call on His name. He gets up for us. He stops what He's doing, because one of His kids needs Him. My heart has been focusing on this for a while now. That the God of the universe, the creator of all things, the uncreated one gets up off His throne to show compassion to me.

May you know that when you call on the Lord that He rises to show compassion to you.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Relationships...really? Yes, I believe so. It seems as though that the subject of relationships has been extremely popular with me the past few weeks. I mean, I am not even in a dating relationship right now. But I have had at least six different conversations within the past week about relationships; whether about dating or friendships and our relationship with God. The whole subject of relationships has always been something that is very intimidating to me at the same time I love to talk about relationships and i love relationships. Which leads me to this verse, that I've been dwelling on for a while.

"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made in perfect love." 1 John 4:18.

I am often and still am scared to let people I know, know who I really am. Yes, what you see is what you get. But there are things that I don't tell people because I feel is people knew who I really was, and what really went on in my heart, that they would not love me anyway. Therefore, finding fear in love. Which I am coming to believe that the only perfect love it the love of Jesus. I've said that many many times and now more than ever, I am convinced that is the perfect love. Love that drives out all fear. Because when you open your heart to someone, you open yourself to be hurt by them. I don't know if this is making sense. Which I think is why, girls are told to guard there heart. But where is the point of guarding your heart and allowing yourself to open your heart to someone and therefore becoming volurnable. Which could lead to getting your heart broken.

Well, in relationships we are often faced with the question of love. Are you in love? Do you love that person. Asked by a young girl to define love, this is my only answer. Now, when I say, I love someone, this is what I mean. Love is: Patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, it is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. (1 Cor. 13>4-7) That in every word, deed, and thought it goes back to that verse.

I love people. I really do. My life is consumed with people, and I would rather be meeting with people all day rather than doing other things that consume my life. But I love them, no matter what they do or how they act or how hard they can be sometimes. I love them. Theres nothing I love more than sitting with someone and just listening to them. I really don't like surface relationships. I desire to know what goes on deep in the heart of those I am surrounded by. Which is how we can grow to love each other through the Love that Jesus Christ has for us. Loving no matter what happens, because God does not count our sins against us and He continues to love us when we do sin. Which pretty much leaves me speechless.

I am very relational person. Just something in me that loves to love people. So if I know you, but I don't know you, know you. Lets change that. Relationships are hard. All kinds. They take sacrifce. Self-Sacrifical love. But they are worth it. We need the body of Christ. So as I try to understand love, and learn how to love no matter what. I pray the Lord is glorified. Because its all about Him!

Saturday, September 30, 2006


Something I read recently that Andrew Murray wrote, and was encouraged. So, I decided to put it on this thing. Be encouraged. I was. The Lord is good.

Brother, have we not here the reason that our consecration and our faith have availed so little in the pursuit of holiness? It was by self and its strength that the work was done under the name of faith; it was for self and its happiness that God was called in; it was, unconsciously, but still truly, in self and its holiness that the soul rejoiced. We never knew that humility, absolute, abiding, Christ-like humility and self-effacement, pervading and marking our whole life with God and man, was the most essential element of the life of the holiness we sought for.
It is only in the possession of God that I lose myself. As it is in the height and breadth and glory of the sunshine that the littleness of the mote playing in its beams is seen, even so humility is the taking our place in God's presence to be nothing but a mote dwelling in the sunlight of His love.
"How great is God! how small am l! Lost, swallowed up in Love's immensity! God only there, not I."
May God teach us to believe that to be humble, to be nothing in His presence, is the highest attainment, and the fullest blessing, of the Christian life. He speaks to us: "I dwell in the high and holy place, and with him that is of contrite and humble spirit." Be this our portion!
"Oh, to be emptier, lowlier,Mean, unnoticed, and unknown,And to God a vessel holier, Filled with Christ, and Christ alone!"

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

why my life is so good

Honestly, life is hard. That's pretty much it. Life is hard, but God is good! Here are a few reason's why my life continues to be so good even if things get rough.

1. My joy is not found in things of this world and this world cannot take it away! I am not seeking approval of men. Therefore, i can act crazy/stupid without caring who see's or cares...

2. I live in a universe created by an infinate-personal God who delights in our communion with Him.

3. LeCrae's new CD came out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. My little brother makes me laugh so hard EVERYDAY!

5. Auburn Football starts in nine days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6. BBQ house breakfast
7. My friends. Amazing.
8. I've developed a new love for wearing my hat sideways...

9. The enemy has BEEN defeated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10. my knee is improving everyday!!!! praise Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 10, 2006


"Your hand of freedom reached into my situation,
breaking my binding chains and granting me liberation,
I once was bound to myself, the worst of penalties,
Couldn't escape from my sin, until You rescued me.

But now You are my liberator, Your love set me free,
You are my emancipator, With Your blood you bore me,
Now I am free

Not going back to that place again,
When my mind and my body are in slave to sin,
Through your life and your death, Your life again,
Taking this dead man, You made breathe again!" -Jason Eskridge

Two words in this song stick out to me
Liberator- To set free, as from oppression
Emancipator- To free from bondage, oppression

Here's two words that I have actually come to grasp over the summer. The first time I heard this song at KAA this summer. I was left speechless sitting at the CrossTalk arena on a bench. With a kamper and another kounselor on the other side. I began to weep, at the fact that Jesus Christ is my Liberator and my Emancipator. Jesus set me free from oppression (Sin, Hell, and Death) and He is my Emancipator. "because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death." Romans 8:2

I have always known this, but came to grips with it this summer. The Lord captivated (To attract and hold by charm, beauty, or excellence.) my heart with Him this summer. He attracted me to Him for simply who He is, Holding me by His charm and beauty and excellence. Which are only a few things that describe my Jesus.

So where do I start? I can honestly say that I have just had the hardest and the best two months of my life! So I praise the Lord for waking me up so early in the morning to spend precious time with Him, which I can honestly say is SO much better than anything else on this earth.

The theme of our summer at Kids Across America is "Off da Hook"

"For God made him who knew no sin, to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God" 2 Corinthians 5:21

Therefore we are now "off da hook". Which can relate to why i've been so focused on Christ being my liberator and emancipator.

Humbled by the fact that Jesus Christ God's one and only son (Jn. 3:16) is in fact my liberator and my emancipator. He's much more than that, but i've come to grips with these two meanings.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Can I get a KAA!?!?!

Well, this post is LONG over due. I am home from Kids AcrossAmerica 2-the Duece! Words cannot begin to express how much I have grown to love Kids Across America but more than that the precious children I came in contact with as well as the most amazing people i've ever met in my entire life! I mean, I can try and give you a tiny tiny birds eye view of Kids Across America, but it just won't do it justice.

I started out the summer thinking "Lord why did you choose me to come to Golden, Missouri to work with Urban Youth?" I am so greatful that He did give me the oppertunity to go. I can honestly say that I am not the same person I was before I went to KAA.

I can tell you the funniest stories of my life and make you cry laughing and I can tell you the saddest stories you've ever heard which will also make you cry. I found myself at a loss for words on more than one occasion. Heart broken at what some of my kampers have been through or what they will go through. Seeing fear rise in some of their eyes because of situations back home. Having kids love you no matter what. I can remember times when I would run with kampers and they would be mad at the time but the next minute they were back to loving me. It left me speechless, these precious children are an incredible example of unconditional love.
Don't worry, if I could have brought everyone home with me....I would, in a heart beat!!

I mean, i'm not going to was HARD...probably one of the hardest things i've ever experienced. But it was worth every minute, every tear, every smile, every drop of sweat. And I can say this, i'd do it all over a heart beat!

Pretty much, if you want to hear me because a blog does NOT do this kamp justice. Not even will my stories or anything I can really should experience it for yourself...I promise you won't regret it!

So alive with the presence of God that we ( I ) would be foolish to neglect such a gracious invitation to experience the depths of Jesus Christ.

My summer summed up in one statement: Its not about me, its bigger, its about God!

For the Kingdom and for the Kids,